
Homeless Corner

dave beckerman photography

Stair Pattern

dave beckerman photography

Eye Patch

dave beckerman photography
I've been standing on the corner of 2nd and 83rd photographing passersby, or high contrast scenes - experimenting again with the film. This fellow was unloading produce for a nearby Italian restaurant and agreed to let me photograph him and yes - the experiments are over.

This was with TMY @ 300 ASA; 5 minutes @ 75F with TMAX developer (1:4) Hopefully that will be my new "standard." It seems to work fine in bright sunlight/shadow and, so long as I expose for shadow areas - works well in flatter scenes. This is from a straight neg. scan without any adjustments. More to follow...

blogger spam

So since I started using the blogger comments, I'm beginning to get automated spam for the usual crap in the comments. I may have to turn on the "login" if you want to comment - or else go back to haloscan if this continues. So far I'm just getting one or two a day which I've been manually deleting.

I'll have to see if their are any other settings that can control this automated junk.

Development / Film

As I mentioned in previous post - I'm leaning towards TMY again. I shot with it a lot in the past - and somewhere along the line switched to HP5 in HC110B. Possibly my tastes have changed since then - but the TMY seems to be a bit smoother. Anyway - right now I'm using TMY @ 400 ASA - in TMAX developer 1:4 at recommended times. But I'm going to experiment with a bit of underdevelopment and making sure I'm still picking up shadow detail. I might take it down about 20%, i.e. the highlights in bright contrasty scenes are still a bit high for my taste. But after a couple of days of experimenting - I'm pretty close.