
It's been a

busy couple of weeks - business-wise. I just caught up with everything: a couple of images for textbooks; two large prints for business offices; and a bunch of regular orders. And enjoying the A640 - taking it with me everywhere - and continuing down the color road: full steam ahead.

I got to see the Carbon / Silver Walker Evans exhibit. Just a quick note about that - I was initially disappointed that they didn't say what paper / printer / ink they used for the inkjet renditions (which were superb); but then as I was thinking it over - I thought: oh - why do they have to disclose the specifics... When you see silver gelatin prints in a gallery do you see which developer / paper / enlarger was used? No. That's up to you to investigate if you want to find out more.

There are many large prints - which are stunning. The exhibitors make a point of saying that they were able to "open up the shadows" and show details that you don't ordinarily see in the work. That was true - but personally - I probably would have left the contrast as it was in the original work - but that's just my taste.

It was a stunning exhibit and any chance you get to see Walker Evans photographs, whether they're original contact prints, inkjets, or posters - it's always a good thing.

It's at the UBS Gallery: 1285 6th Avenue, until Nov. 9