
Musical Coffee Chairs

When street photographers go out for coffee - there is a mad rush for the "best seat." What exactly the best seat means - is open for interpretation. This time, I think I got the "best seat" because I could pre-focus on the place where people put milk in their coffee. I'm pretty certain that I could spend an entire day photographing one Starbucks, or maybe any coffeeshop. Has anyone done that yet? Probably but we don't know about it because the movie hasn't come out yet: Starbucks - The Movie. Hey, they're producing music already, why not do a story about how they arrived on earth and took over like the pods in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Blizzard, 2nd Avenue

Blizzard '06 - 2nd Avenue

I got a little nervous about the shutter speeds on the Pentax 67 not lining up correctly. Still not sure if I underexposed everything by a stop. Anyway, this was done during the height of the storm around 9 a.m. this morning and I have at least one more that I like from the 67. Then I picked up the M3 and wandered around a little bit more freely.

blizzard and pentax 67

I am going in and out of the blizzard with the 67. Not far. Just around my block and so far haven't gone past 2nd avenue. Tripod of course. Mirror lock up - of course. I can't get the meter in the thing to work. Just one funny thing: it is true this makes a noise like a tank rolling over rubble when it fires off but if a Pentax 67 fires in a blizzard and nobody hears it - did it fire? You see where I'm going. Anyway, I'm just taking it easy. Go out - shoot a roll. Back into the house and drink some coffee. Oh, and I will say this: the Pentax 67 is not exactly a delicate camera.