
Rain Delivery

dave beckerman photography

Man, Flag

dave beckerman photography

Two More Rolls

Shot two rolls with the R3A and mostly with the 28 f1.9. They're washing. A couple of thoughts: it is always nice to have the extra f-stop. No, not the 1.9 as opposed to f2.0 but the f2.0 instead of f2.8.

The 28mm external viewfinder is so bright that it makes my own sight seem dim. It's a tiny little thing, rectangular. I forgot I even had it with me at first - it was in my pocket. I shot with it a lot as it got darker - and it was very handy.

The 28mm certainly feels well constructed, and after getting used to SLR lenses, even this lens seemed small. And it does have a tab thing that you can turn. I always find this useful for focus without looking. The little "red mark" on the screw mount adapter is hard to see. I'll probably correct this at some point.

The 1:1 frame on the R3A, as I thought - is pretty darned wide with the 40mm to see everything at once. But it will be perfect for the 75mm.

One other thing about film. It is still exciting to remember certain shots - and then see if I got them or not.