
Rockefeller Center

I did a 16 x 20 of this one yesterday. Beautiful. I read that they opened the Top of The Rock restaurant (or whatever it's called). I want to visit.


I love the hands coming out to hold what I guess is a torch - not really sure what it is (above the clock). Madison? Lex? Midtown.


I'll be matting and packaging all day and then I should be caught up. After that a couple of choices:

a) go out and force myself to shoot

b) watch the DVD of I Robot which I swiped from my sister's house yesterday and plan to return without her knowing (I need a caper once in a while)

c) Go back to - or start - workin' on the freakin' book which I've been too busy to deal with

d) None of the above. (This last choice has the most appeal for me. It involves a reclined position where I stare blankly at the ceiling fan trying to calculate how many times per minute it revolves before falling into a deep sleep.)

This entry is tagged as "blog drool."

