
Silver Rag not Yet

In case you're wondering - I still haven't received the museo silver rag paper. My supplier doesn't have it yet but they expect it tomorrow. I have enough left to do one more 11 x 14 print. After that - unless someone specifically asks for the paper - I'll go back to the Epson lustre.

And even with the bronchitis - I ventured out with the Hexar this morning during the snow flurry and that was a good idea because I haven't seen much snow since.


Late Edition

Dateline New York: January 16 - 17 1995

Two, Schurz Park

Two, Schurz Park 2001


"hi. i just wanted to let you know how much i enjoy you're work. i read that you are using film and i believe that you're pictures are very remarkable. i looked at each one of them in the photography store.

i am in my freshman year at [xyz] college and i really want to study photography but they don't teach anything about film anymore and one of my teachers' mr. meadows who teaches digital photography said that i might contact you. is that okay?

do you think that a newbie is better off with film or digital? i'm not sure. film seems more beautiful to me.

also, could you advise about film and scanner combinations? there's so much to ask. what film camera would you use to start with? what do you think about the cost? is it expensive to develop film? i know this is a lot to ask but i am so impresed with you're work that i think you would be a good person to ask. " - norma

This is a composite of three e-mails from the last three days. But there is some weird confluence going on out there where students are getting interested in film again. Remember how black and white was dead once? Is it possible that there will always be an interest in film? That it will go in and out of fashion with say 10% of professionals? Letters like this make me feel ancient.