

After my interview for a students school paper (A. I can't believe you travelled four hours to get here!) - I came back to apartment and I've been collecting a list of galleries that I might approach for representation. I'm starting with the "A" list, i.e. agents or galleries that represent the rich and famous and I'll work my way down the "B" and then the "F" list.

Eiffel Tower, Base

Physical Placement

Anyway - I raised the prices last night. I was beginning to feel like the hooker with a heart of gold. After raising the prices I felt better. Now there have been several comments about there being too many photographs in the main store. That, my friends is the easiest thing to solve. There are currently 140 prints. What number should I take it down to? 50? 75? 100? TEN? Are you kidding? Only show 10? egad. That can't be right. MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE THE TOP TWENTY IN THE MAIN GALLERY. AND THEN HAVE A LINK THAT SAYS "MORE..."

Hi Dave,

I am coming to NY this weekend and would be interested in taking a look at your photography. Do you have a gallery? If so, what are the opening hours -Friday would be the most likely day I would visit.


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Mr. Beckerman,
I have been visiting your site for a long time and I am wondering if your prints are available in any stores or galleries in Atlanta? Please let me know.


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Are you located in an apartment or a store? I couldn't tell from your site.


(Just within the last two days).