
shoes and wheels

Far from Yosemite, Mr. Beckerman was carrying on odd experiments with the new writing tablet. Eeek. The pen skids across the plastic like a bad skater. Eek, my hand has some shake to it. I guess I'll get to used to it. Ouch, hit that built-in button by accident. Let's try this on a picture. Oh, this is a good one, the guy pulling the bottles to the reclaim center.

Oh man, no one wants to see another homeless picture. Okay, let's see what's interesting -- the wheels; the shoe.

Actually it was Park Avenue. You know how it has that slightly uphill curve to it (East to West) around 79th street.
And then the clone stamp was brushed around until an appealing pattern showed itself.

Appealing, I say. No, it's appalling. I probably shouldn't even post this stuff - though what's the harm... You just see the twists and turns of a blindman driving an oldsmobile down a dirt road, at night -- with the headlights out and no brakes. But then that's the only way to get anywhere in this world.

Yosemite Valley

Yosemite Valley, 1993

(Rollei TLR, T-Max 100)

more silver rag

On Luminous Landscape there is a better description of the Silver Rag paper than I can write. Here it is: Silver Rag write-up. The only caveat is, who knows what it will give you with ink from other manufacturers. Most of what I've read and tested has been with K3 inks.