
Central Park in Rain

bridle path central park
Woman through Railing

bridle path central park
Jogger, Bridle Path - Central Park

As soon as I get some other prints done for orders, I can't wait to take a crack at printing these two - large. I want to try the jogger shot at 16 x 20. The detail from the lens is wonderful. You can easily read the tee-shirt: St. Bonaventure and see that his mouth is open for air.

I just did Birch Trees for an order redoing it with the SharpKit tool. There's stuff in there that I never saw before. Almost every tree has carvings on it.

bridle path central park
Cobblestones in Park

RSS Feed & Podcast

I changed the link for my RSS/Atom feed to Feedburner. I've been thinking of doing a PodCast and they make it pretty easy (I think) to create the RSS for the PodCast. (The old Atom link works as well though).

What is my PodCast going to be about?

Hello and welcome to Beckerman's Shoot Like the Pros PodCast. In order to shoot like the Pros - the first thing you need is a truly professional camera. Features are important. The more you have - the more professional you will be. This PodCast is sponsored by Canon and Nikon - and I would suggest that either of these superb manufacturers makes a camera that will fit your needs.

(Sound of rapid gunfire).

Remember - the more frames your camera can fire per second - the better chance you have to capture that once in a lifetime moment.

Canon and Nikon jingles are then played back to back - or maybe on top of each other.

By listening to this PodCast you will learn the secret tricks of the professionals. Click your iPod to listen to the next chapter.

Joe's Sermon

"Yeah, yeah. Sure the artist is tortured. They should be tortured and you wanna know why? You do? Okay, I'll tell you: because they're spoiled. The world owes 'em a living? The world don't owe anyone a living. Take me for example.

"How many years did I go to school for this job? You got twelve years just to get through high school. Twelve stinkin' years. Then another four in college which is just about required for any kindof job. So there you go. 16 years and that's just to get a foot in the door of some stinkin' company.

"We're the ones who are tortured - not them. We're the ones that gotta get up every morning and put on chains and blinders and one day wake up middle-aged and wonder where our life went. Not them.

"Tortured artist. Give me a break. Okay. I'll admit. A lot of 'em don't make much money. But that was their own decision. I had a lot of talent with the french horn. Ask my music teacher Mr. M. But how'm I gonna take care of my family playin' the french horn? Tell me that? Okay - so I wind up as an office manager for the Cosmo Ladder Corp. It's not that bad. But can you tell me why I needed 16 years of school to get this?

"And don't tell me they're all poor. Poor? They don't know the meaning of the word until they're sendin' a couple of kids through college so those kids can get out and find some job which hopefully will be better than mine - though I doubt it. And anyway - some of them get rich - those actors I mean. Yeah. Especially those actors.

"Look at those movie stars driving around in their big fancy cars getting into accidents every day like they ran the world. I'll be honest with you. I love to sit back on the couch and watch them being carted off to jail for drugs or shoplifting. I mean - I'll see them in the movies but they ain't gods. You watch that idol show on t.v. You wait and see what happens to them when they get crowned.

"Don't get me wrong - I like what some of the artists do - though most of it is crap. But the world don't owe them a damned thing. In fact - I'd trade places with them in a minute if I could. The rich ones I mean.

"No. I say they should be glad for what they've got. Even the poor ones. 'Cause no one told them to do what they do - and if they have to suffer a little for that sort of freedom - then let them suffer. Anyway, that's just my two-cents on it since you asked.