
history of the world 2006

Okay - now for some politics. You see Iraq tottering on civil war. Question: what next? What does el Presidente do if Shiites and Sunnis really go at each other. Is that it? End game is get the hell out? End game is bring in more troops to try and control civil war? (Has that ever worked?) The world spins out of control.

Bush's mantra (read the books by the disgruntled insiders) : I don't try to doublethink myself. I don't question myself. I know what's right and what's wrong. But how does he know? What is it based on? From what I can see it's based on what he's told by his cabinet.

It might have worked - the big idea - the Iraq invasion - but he grabbed hold of the wrong end of the bull and now the bull is turning. And all the republicans and all the advisors can't put him back together again. He's finished.

On the Town