
Day 2

Day 2 of turning over a new leaf and giving up bad habits and if I start to snap at you or anyone - give me until day 7 or so to get over it. Not a good idea to give up so many vices at one time; you should only get rid of one vice at a time; but nonetheless let's toss them all overboard and see what happens.

What happens is that my nerves get frayed; my back gets tight; my patience wanes; my throat constricts; my span of attention contracts. Oh, what a way to go. Death by denial. I know you have your vices and resolutions against them, and I know that by day two or three of the new year you are slipping back into them.

"Turning over a new leaf," is a phrase that should be updated anyway. Not too many farmers in this land anymore who know what turning over a new leaf is. Today I would say, "putting in a new motherboard."

That's not good.

Oh, I have it. This year I'm going to get rid of my bad habits and completely defragment my drives.

That ain't no good. My mind wants to find a contemporary metaphor for turning over a new leaf but I can't come up with it. You'd think for it to be contemporary it would have something to do with technology - maybe not. This year we're going to stop unlawful wiretaps. No, not all at once, but we'll try and turn over a new leaflet.

Well, whatever you have resolved to do, or not to do - thinking that it would make your or someone else's life better - good night and good luck.