I returned the CV R3A, and stopped by the used dept. at B&H. I looked at several nice Leica M6's but they were a touch expensive. The sales guy - who I know for many years - showed me a very clean double-stroke M3. I bought it. $850. I know I could probably find an M6 on the web for the same price or close to it, but I like (as I've said before) - doing these transactions in person.
What a strange summer. Backwards through time. Next thing you know I'll be using a camera obscura.
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"When you make an equipment purchase do you look at in terms of how many typical orders or prints that you need to sell to pay for it?" JBee
The short answer: No.
The longer answer: I'm driven by necessity. What is going to get me further along with my prints (which doesn't mean that I'm right). I agonize about the money. I just try to keep it all as even as possible in terms of money outlay. It is a rough estimate. With the trade-in of the old equipment - and switching to Rangefinder equipment and neg. development - I'm probably out about $500. That doesn't include film / developer and wasted testing time.
When I had "a real job" money was of very little concern and I just bought whatever I wanted at the time and had much more expensive equipment than I do now.