
Pentax 67

Frantic sort of morning rushing down by car to B&H to pick up ink (bought the 220 ml stuff this time); and then back up to Matt's to pick up the Pentax 67 from him. It is a mighty chunk of photographic funk. Then cleaning it up, and there were a few things I couldn't remember so I hunted around on the web and downloaded a PDF of the original 67 manual. Haven't put any film in it yet. Two lenses: 55mm and a 165mm. I think it was the idea of the snow that's supposed to be on the way that gave me a final push to play with the thing.

Another odd thing is that while I was there I picked up some HP5 plus (35mm) for Matt - and apparently this stuff is getting to be harder to come by. They only had 15 rolls left, and according to Matt the stuff has been going in and out of stock very quickly. I'm still going for Tri-x but it is starting to get nerve-wracking.

On the other hand, I bought a lot of ink in 220 ml holders (yikes they are big) for the 4800. Sort of scary to lay out that kind of money for ink all in one shot, but I keep telling myself: I'm saving money. I'm saving money.

Which is what I guess you folks that come back with the 50 pack roll of toilet paper (big savings) which gets stored in the basement tell yourselves late at night: I'm saving money. I'm saving money...