
Girl Resting

dave beckerman photography

Waiting for Train

dave beckerman photography


Shot a roll of TMZ today - both outside and in the subway (@1600). Plan to develop it in DD-X. One thing about B&H - when you go to the darkroom department - I think they are very glad to see you. Several people always approach as if I were the last customer on earth asking if they can help me. Makes me sort of nervous. I keep telling myself that I'm just testing - not to take any good shots - but you know how it goes. You see something - you shoot it. It's like telling the lion to keep away from the lamb. Hey lion - you're not even hungry.

That's true, but - got to stay in practice you know. Pip pip and all that rot. I think I do my best stuff when I'm "just testing." Maybe I should keep that as a permanent frame of mind. It's all just one big lifelong test.

I'm determined to only use ONE DEVELOPER (DD-X). I don't mind using two or three different films - but I'm not stocking more than one developer and since I love the results with DD-X and Tri-X @ 400 which is my main squeeze so to speak - that's that.

Now - tomorrow I'm going to try and set up an efficient negative filing system. That's my plan for the whole day. I don't care what happens - hurricaines - terrorists - my negatives are going to be easy to find and carefully protected and I'm going to do the whole thing in one day. Monday - the day the 9-5 world goes back into harness - that's the day for it.

* * *
I also re-did the design a bit on the Images from the Blog gallery. And I removed a whole mess of photographs on the site that people were linking to in their blogs - and even finding through the google search and asking me weird questions about. There's going to be about fifty blogs that are going to have to re-link to the blog gallery for their background images. If I could figure out a way to charge $1 per image linked to - I would have a substantial income stream.

Or even better - charge $15 a year for a subscription to this blog. That would be fun to watch the hits drop to zero. Technically - it's very easy to do - just password protect this directory and put a Paypal subscription button up. The New York Times is starting to charge for access to their archives. I think they call this monetizing your content.