
Spring, Central Park

Spring, Central Park

(Medium Format - Mamiya 6 - 50mm)

Polar Bear and Baby

Polar Bear and Baby - Central Park Zoo

rhinebeck island

rhinebeck island

I began printing some of the color prints today on the silver rag. Very nice. I was surprised that I was able to do it without a profile (although a profile exists for the silver rag). I just set the printer control to ICM ADOBE 98 (which is my working space) and that was it. Damned close.

The overall look of the prints is like a pastel chalk sketch. How odd that I should have so much fun with color after all these years. Maybe it has a similar mysteriousness, abstractness - as a b&w photo? I haven't had any luck with color shots. I want to paint them all.

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On other fronts, I'm deep into 'Cobra II' by Michael Gordon and General Trainor

No hype here. This is a serious and exciting account of the lead-up to, the invasion of, and the occupation of Iraq. One of the things that comes across early on his just how complicated the war was - is. How you can see the seeds for the current situation developing during the planning stages. I won't paraphrase the book - but if you want to get a detailed view of what was going on prior to and during the invasion - this is the book.