
Digital and Film

I'm writing this after doing about 20 prints (today and yesterday). And I have to tell you - I have to confess - that as much as I hate to say it - the majority of the film shots have a better presence - oh - let's just say it out loud - look better than the prints from digital capture.

I'm not able to explain it - in any scientific way. I could say things like: the dynamic range is greater with film, but that can be countered with sandwiching techniques with RAW images.

You could say it's the smoothness of digital - but I've pushed some of the captures through GrainSurgery with sampled grain - and it just ain't the same.

There is absolutely no doubt - digital is much more convenient, and I won't count the ways. You know that.

But honestly, I can see myself beginning to work in both worlds again. I wouldn't give up digital for what I'll call "assignments" which come along once in a while. I would probably use it for "events" where I'm going to be shooting a lot.

But I may just go back to film for my usual walking around no direction known work. Most probably the Canon Elan 7N.

Don't start some big flame over this - because it is just my personal (what else could it be) opinion (after a year plus of digital capture). Plus - I'm only talking about for b&w. If I do get the urge for color - once in a blue moon - that would still be digital.

Barrett - do you have any of my HP5 left?

Publishing 2

Yeah. I would not expect to see any new images in here for a while. I'm deep into the publishing thing now - trying to get the bricks together for the building. The last piece of this puzzle right now is trying to get the output to look right in the PDF and fooling around with what exactly the Acrobat Distiller is doing to my images - i.e. it seems to be pixilating them right now.... some setting somewhere...keeping the size of the PDF down... and like that...

The layout, in terms of creating "master pages" is pretty much complete for the picture part of the book. The size is set: it is going to be a square 7.5 x 7.5

I like the way that both vertical and horizontal shots fit in this format.

The gutters have been cleaned. The bleeds have been staunched.

And on top of that - orders are continuing to drop by for a visit. Summer is a good time to do all this since I rarely get anything shooting in this heat /light / humidity anyway.

I notice in the Gibson interview that he sold 22,000 books the first year. I hope to exceed that.