In case you've been wondering about the rhyme and reason if any to my last sale, I will tell you my secret. The other day I was walking down 86th street and boys being boys I always look in the window of the Victoria's Secret store, hoping to see something I've not seen before. (That's a story for another time and a more adult audience).
They were having a Semi-Annual Sale. I began to wonder about the expertise that must go into these decisions about what to call a sale, and when to have them. And how they built an empire selling women's underwear and it dawned on me that they may be the best marketers in the world (shows how much I know).
I made a secret vow that whenever Victoria's Secret had a sale - I'd offer one too. We are both in the business of selling illusion.
You know that there will be all sorts of sales during the year: the next one being the Valentine's Day Sale (and I will do same if I'm still playing this game). But each sale will have it's own special aura, and will be for a certain time only.
Or to put it another way - I'll emulate the best and the brightest. If I don't like semi-annual sale, the next sale may be Ten Minute Sale. Yes, if you place your order between 4 o'clock p.m. and 4:10 p.m. on Tuesday the... SAVE - I don't know what, save something. SAVE YOURSELF. SAVE SOMEONE ELSE.
But whatever you do - don't tell anyone about this as it is, Dave's Secret.