
View from Metropolitan Museum Steps

I'm almost through with the first third or so of the old stuff and starting to get the itch to go out and shoot again. This shot was basically - oh, they've got lights beneath the railings. I wonder what I can make out of that.


That was a first. I've had people call before and ask if they could stop by to look at prints but two women buzzed and I looked at the video phone and thought it was some friends and buzzed them up. When they arrived - it was clear that I didn't know them and they asked if this is where the art gallery was.

Uh, no.

They had a print out of my home page in their hands and wanted to know if I had pictures in stock for them to look at.

Uh, not exactly. I print on demand.

And they sauntered out. I think we were both embarassed. But there you go. No advertising and people looking for my gallery. If it didn't cost so much to open one in Manhattan. I guess I could rent the apartment next door which is almost always changing hands; turn it into a gallery; get in trouble with the landlord; and go bankrupt in a couple of months. There's a plan.

Speedy Christmas

Park Avenue, sometime in the past.