
detritus of the city

if you want to keep an eye on the Montauk Lighthouse section. It's a work in progress and you can see what I think I'm doing as I go along. Or not.

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As I said - I'm sort of sick of straight photography. I haven't mentioned this before, but I've been collecting odds and ends from the street over the last month. The last item was a yellow phone handle, the wire has that protective covering for a street phone. The protective wire didn't work that well since the phone wire had been pulled from the phone box.

Another thing is a very heavy wrought iron top of something - maybe a fire hydrant. I'm not sure. Detritus of the city I guess.

I'm thinking about photographing them in odd settings where this stuff doesn't belong. First stop Central Park. I honestly have no idea what this is about . I'd like to say that the ideas comes from dreams or something - but I think it comes from the idea of simply forcing conflicting ideas in the same frame. I could do it easily in photoshop, but I want to actually go out and do it in the so called real world.

mamiya going away?

Barrett sent me this link:

Mamiya folding it's tent.

Here's a question for you - what camera companies will be left ten years from now?

The two obvious ones of course: Canon, Nikon.

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Okay - I'm going to start a list of defunct camera companies. I'm still a little groggy from yesterday so let me know who I forgot so far. What about Fuji? Does Kodak still make cameras?