Dave, "On Your Mark" arrived in perfect shape. I've been under the weather for 8 days and only today got glass for mounting.
The tone quality is marvelous. It's a beautiful print and will hang with my other three Beckermans.
Thank you.
When it was time to reprint
On Your Mark, I saw that I only had an old negative scan that wasn't as good as what I can do now, but that the negative was going to need serious Photoshop spotting and it was going to be a big job to clean this one up. Just a tremendous amount of dust had gotten onto it.
I was tempted to just go with the old scan but I remind myself that every piece that goes out has to be as good as I can get it. That doesn't mean that every piece is great, just that I gave it what I had at the time. So I spent I'd say about three hours touching up this negative and re-working the print.
This sort of thing happens alot as my scanning and photoshop skills improve. Same thing happened yesterday. There was an order for Benches. I had my old scan, but not a new one from the 4990. So I went back to the drawing board - re-scanned it, and then worked on it with the new paper.
I'm just giving myself a pat on the back for the effort.
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One more surprising tidbit about sales. I was curious to see what the ratio was of men to women in terms of print sales. Over the last six months, the ratio is about
3 to 1 in favor of women. I had a feeling that more sales were from women, but I had no idea it was a three to one ratio.
On the other hand the e-mails that come in about technical issues and whatever back-and-forth there is in the blog: 100% male. My theory being that men may not enjoy talking about their feelings, and processing emotions - but put some new widget in front of them and stand back. I admit to being guilty of same (and I've gotten a lot of new widgets lately).