
Hotel du Rocher

Hotel du Rocher, France

I always think of this image as having the best resolution of any medium format negative I have. Taken with TMX 100 with the Rollei TLR 3.5, and with the camera sitting on a ledge, and with a cable release. You can easily read the name of the hotel on the far left; and the sign in the center talks about "camping rules" and you see the white van at the bottom of the far right crevice? Well in the negative you can make out climbers moving up in the darkness and stretching at the bottom. The resolution is so good that even though the climber may be composed of only a couple of grains - they are three-dimensional.

The shot was taken with a deep orange filter. The mountain was the color of clay - so the resulting negative gave it an extra white "pop" and darkened the sky as well.

Trees, Yosemite

I hate to ruin the illusion but this is not some morning mist, but smoke from a small fire at Yosemite. It was a weird week there. Flooding, and this campfire that got out of hand. I got very excited and setup the TLR on the tripod for this before someone yelled at me to get out of the way. Seems like wherever I go someone is always yelling at me to get out of the way. This was done with the dreaded Delta 400 (my arch enemy as far as film goes).

Day 27

Dave, "On Your Mark" arrived in perfect shape. I've been under the weather for 8 days and only today got glass for mounting.

The tone quality is marvelous. It's a beautiful print and will hang with my other three Beckermans.

Thank you.


When it was time to reprint On Your Mark, I saw that I only had an old negative scan that wasn't as good as what I can do now, but that the negative was going to need serious Photoshop spotting and it was going to be a big job to clean this one up. Just a tremendous amount of dust had gotten onto it.

I was tempted to just go with the old scan but I remind myself that every piece that goes out has to be as good as I can get it. That doesn't mean that every piece is great, just that I gave it what I had at the time. So I spent I'd say about three hours touching up this negative and re-working the print.

This sort of thing happens alot as my scanning and photoshop skills improve. Same thing happened yesterday. There was an order for Benches. I had my old scan, but not a new one from the 4990. So I went back to the drawing board - re-scanned it, and then worked on it with the new paper.

I'm just giving myself a pat on the back for the effort.

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One more surprising tidbit about sales. I was curious to see what the ratio was of men to women in terms of print sales. Over the last six months, the ratio is about 3 to 1 in favor of women. I had a feeling that more sales were from women, but I had no idea it was a three to one ratio.

On the other hand the e-mails that come in about technical issues and whatever back-and-forth there is in the blog: 100% male. My theory being that men may not enjoy talking about their feelings, and processing emotions - but put some new widget in front of them and stand back. I admit to being guilty of same (and I've gotten a lot of new widgets lately).