
e-mail folder

E-mail that came in during this week:

Several requests to know which was the best camera to begin with when shooting black and white film. (I'm at a loss with these types of questions).

2 requests asking whether I would develop film for people (one Arizona, one New York)

3 requests offering to redo my site so that it would be more profitable (for who I'm not sure)

Several e-mails saying that my link would be removed unless I linked back to them. But I never requested their link to me in the first place. This is the new search engine game: have programs that write e-mail requests as if they were a person trying to get reciprocal links to jump up in Google. They analyze the higher links in the search engine and then try to get you to link back to them.

2 requests from people that wanted to intern with me. I really couldn't figure out how that would work. My schedule is so haphazard. I might just be scanning negatives for a week. Or I might be out shooting. Would the intern just wait around for me to find something for them to do?

About 10 e-mails from people saying how much they enjoyed my photographs.

1 request to do a model portfolio. I can't do that without setting up some studio space. Not with an M3.

1 request to use a photo for a garage band CD cover (no money) and I stopped doing things for free unless it's some charity that I can support.

2 questions about printing black and white with K3 inks (one about the 2400, one about the 4800)

Birds, Central Park

birds, central park