
Doughnut Shop, 2001


we don't need no stinkin' photographers

"Fujifilm says that the S6000fd can give precedence to the faces in an image, ensuring that they come out looking crisp and well lighted. The camera can pick out up to 10 faces in a scene and is not thrown off by eyeglasses. " From today's NY Times

I think that's more faces than I can pick out in a scene. Now, all they have to do is figure out which face has the most dramatic look, which can be done by programming the camera for Happy Photography, Depressed Photography, Ironic Photography etc.

Meanwhile, Kodak, Sony and Apple Computers have combined to create a new technology called, Master Photography Program (MPP). Although not officially announced yet - the rumor is that MPP will be emulate a number of well known photographers. So far, from what I've heard they have Ansel and Edward Weston programs and more are on the way.