
digital ice

Alot of the old Bronx negatives are pretty scratched and dusty and I spent lots of time cleaning them up, often at the 200% view in Photoshop. One or two of them took several hours this way. I'm still using the Minolta 5400. Anyway, since Digital Ice doesn't work with b&w I thought I'd see what happened if I scanned the tri-x shot in as color / output to RGB. Then I figured I'd convert it to b&w. What an odd effect. The scan looked like it had gone through a high gaussian filter or vaseline on glass (which actually was used in the old days). It did remove all the scratches and dust, but it also removed a tremendous amount of detail. Buildings where you could see each individual brick were now brickless. Had a sort of film noir look to it - like in a scene where the hero gets bonked on the head.

I'll post the scan once my cable modem is fixed up.