
Self Promotion

I'm involved in serious self-promotional projects now. These fall under the heading of marketing which I have neglected. This means things like entering photo contests, which I haven't done before; pursuing more commercial venues such as corporate art dealers; and some other obvious things I should have done years ago but wasn't ready to do.

For the first time I'm doing a more formal portfolio with InDesign. In other words, I'm treating what I've created over the years in what I hope will be a more business-like way.

Since I can't write much about these ventures because it would intrude on the privacy of actual people - I'm back to keeping a private journal which may be of interest later on.

Oh -and Paypal and all that - has worked out well. A few orders came through with no complaints and I decided to cut the merchant account which has been charging me $50 a month and taking a very steep cut of the credit card orders over the years. I also added five new prints to the Photography Store. More later...