
Printing Notes

- Received a couple of e-mails asking about what settings I was using with Pixel Genius. This can't really be answered since it is a three-step process - and the steps are different depending on: a) input, b) creative sharpening and c) output.

I was supposed to spend the day organizing negatives but I've been carefully going through the Pixel Genius manual most of the morning. The most amazing part of the process is the middle step where you can selectively sharpen (with various types of sharpening) or even - blur - parts of the image.

I could write up something about it - but it really is all there in the manual. The only point that I'm experimenting with is the difference of converting to 8-bit per channel at some point to help my computer do its thing reasonably quickly. The other thing to remember is to keep any adjustment layers - or anything you do - above the layers created by Pixel Genius.

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On another note: I've recently started to run out of ink (from the first cartridges that came with the 4800) and was surprised to find that when you switch to a new cartridge - there is no "recharging." Unlike, for example, the 2200 - when you switch inks (so long as you aren't switching from mat to photo black ink) - you just stick the new cartridge in - and it does a little checking - but I don't hear any ink being used or wasted (probably since the lines are already charged). That's a nice touch that I didn't expect.

Sleep on Train

dave beckerman photography
The thing that's interesting - this was shot while the train was moving - moving fast - and with the extra speed of TMZ / 1600 and fast lens - sharp as a tack.