
Man at Street Fair

Man at Street Fair

Your Move

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone," it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less."

"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many things."

"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master -- that's all."


"Well, I was just inventing a new way of getting over a gate - would you like to hear it? "

"Very much indeed," Alice said politely.

"I'll tell you how I came to think of it," said the Knight. "You see, I said to myself 'The only difficulty is with the feet: the head is high enough already.' Now first I put my head on top of the gate - then the head's high enough - then I stand on my head - and the feet are high enough, you see - then I'm over, you see?"

(Through the Looking Glass)

Day 12

I put up Lost Music for sale. That shot has several hidden meanings for me; feelings about my mother who was a musician and the echo effect of the gate's vertical lines and the musical staff; as well as other things that I'm sure are not remotely apparant to anyone else.

But there you go. I can well imagine the guard in the future museum pointing out these "secrets" to the art grazing public. "Now, if you'll step this way, we'll take a look at Lost Music. Of course, the irony is that the music is not lost, it has been found by the photographer. And furthermore, if you look at the hologram closely, you'll notice that the gate echoes the idea of the musical staff." And some future wiseguy can say, yeah, 'cept that a musical staff only has 5 lines in it. So why's his fence have six lines? Huh? And the curator can explain that in the 20th century, photographers didn't like to be too literal.

How does day 12 feel? Better than day 11. My mind is still not into shooting, and I'm not pressuring myself. I went at a pretty good clip for a long time, and I'm enjoying re-working old prints.

Eating Clubs

Not having attended Princeton, I was surprised to hear that they had eating clubs at Princeton, though Judge Alito said he wasn't a member of any. I'm wondering whether these eating clubs were copied from the eating clubs we had at my old high school: DeWitt Clinton. Here are a couple of eating clubs that I remember:

Smashing Face Eating Club
Dumb and Happy Eating Club
My Race Only Eating Club
My Race Only II Eating Club
Get The ?*!* Outa Here Eating Club

And here are a few from Princeton:

Ivy Club 1879
Cap and Gown Club 1890
Colonial Club 1891
Key and Seal Club 1904-1968
Dial Lodge 1907
Arch Club 1911-1917
Cloister Inn 1912-1972, 1977-
Court Club 1921-1964
Prospect Club 1941-1959

Judge Alito may not have been a member of any of these eating clubs, but he does know which side his bread is buttered on.

To read more about these clubs and their history, click here.

Lost Music

I'm still working over old images. This one is tantalizing because I can make out bits and pieces of the lyrics and the chords. The phrase Let It Rain is in there twice. A first draft of: The weather outside is frightful? And I can make out that it is for a guitar and what key it is in and the time signature is 4/4.

This interest in a piece of lost music, now really found music - that's sufficient for day 12.