
From Leica Dot Something

I was looking for some advice. I plan to photograph my neighbor's dog (avail. light) and I think I need a 90mm for my M7. Normally, I would shoot it with my 50mm, but this dog is wild and I'm nervous to be around dogs anyway - so I think the 90mm would be a good choice. But I'm not sure which 90 to get? I don't think I can afford the cron, but I also heard that the Elmarit 90mm is good as well.

The only thing is - why in the world would you want to use a Leica to photograph a dog?

I agree. The Leica is meant for street stuff not dog portraits.

John was just asking for advice on which lens to get, not whether it was the right lens / camera for the situation. I assume he has a Leica and just wants to know which 90mm to get. Personally, I haven't used any 90mm with my lizard skin M6 but from what I've heard - the 90mm cron asp. is the best there is.

Mark, do you really have the lizard skin M6?

I do have the liz skin M6. It's still in the box. I'm afraid to touch it. Don't want to get any marks on it. I also have the titanium body. Honestly, I don't use the cameras much. I just like having them around.

They are beautiful.

I think you're both nuts.

They are. The lizard skin Leica is fabulous to look at. I've been looking for a good display box for it. I think my neighbors would enjoy viewing it but I'm afraid someone might break in and steal the thing at night.

As far as the 90's go - you get what you pay for.

Listen John, if you are that nervous about shooting the neighbor's dog, then you should get an SLR with a telephoto. I've done a lot of dog shooting over the years and whenever I did a shoot with a wide angle lens - I always got bit! I'm not kidding. So I know what you mean.Now I use Canon 30D with a 300mm lens on a tripod when I am asked to shoot animals of any kind.

I used to work for National Geographic and we'd use a long lens to photograph EVERYTHING!

btw - what sort of dog is it?

Now don't laugh - but it's a toy poodle. It's ferocious. I mean, it's like the size of a shoe, but if they let it off the leash it runs after me yapping it's head off, and it once took off a piece of my pants. To tell you the truth, I'd just as soon actually shoot the mutt :)

Maybe you should get a rifle instead.


I'm not kidding. When I was in the bush, we would actually shoot small game for sport.

Isn't there an episode of Seinfeld where these dogs are keeping Elaine awake...


Sorry :(

My advice: Just get the most expensive 90 you can afford.

Thanks for the good info guys. I think I will use a... [deleted by admin. OOT]

Golga - if that's you're real name - why are we nuts because we appreciate beautiful objects. Dry up troll.

(to be continued)

59th Street Bridge

59th street bridge
This was TMAX, and other than some dust retouching and an adjustment level - that was it. I have no clue as to why the sky/ water produced this gray dreamy tone. This was a fairly long exposure - at least 30 seconds.

Leg, Flea Market

flea market leg