
Blog Vacation

dave beckerman photography

I've decided to take a month off from blogging (I'm so used to it that I'm curious to see what effect it has on me). Whether I come back to this form or not - I don't know. After almost daily entries for 6 years - I'm burnt out.

I would like to try and finish the three books that are sitting around in draft mode. Maybe try and write some more comprehensive articles. I'll return November 1st.

It hasn't been a one-way street. I've learned a lot from you as well. Hopefully you can point me at a good blog to read while I have my morning coffee. Until we meet again - in November.

Lilly Reflection

dave beckerman photography


I put up a cranky post about being annoyed by people writing to me about how they were "inspired" by my photographs. It's too cranky to keep but I've saved it as draft, and I guess the next time that my concerns about money get to me I'll post it again. In the meantime - I added a "donate" button. That's probably a more positive way to deal with it. Any amount is welcome.

Become Your Dream

dave beckerman photography


dave beckerman photography