

Sorry about the flashing banner on the home page and some of the other adverts that I'm experimenting with - but you know - I'm convinced that 90% of the people who stumble into this place really want a big poster. Let's see how it goes.

And here I was - just the other day complaining about all the ads on the tube. I'll try not to clutter the place up much more.

Portrait in Corridor

hospital window
Portrait in Corridor

TMZ @ 1600 in Microphen - not the magic solution for me. In other words - grain size appearance is only every so slightly reduced compared to other developers I've used with TMZ Shots certainly weren't ruined but the developer / film combination is really your palette and what you want on that palette is very subjective. I like it better than the fast delta film - but it's just so-so in this solution.

I'll have time over the weekend to try the Tri-X @ 1600 in Microphen.

TMZ and Hospital

What happened was that on Thursday I was on my way out to spend some time (thought it would be a few hours) with my father at University Hospital (he's fine). But it turned into a monumental wait. Anyway - before I left at 8 a.m. I had a bit of Tri-X in the M3 which I had started at @400 and I knew that wasn't going to do it for shooting in the hospital and I wanted the quietness of the M3 so I pulled the Tri-X out and switched to the TMZ.

All day, and it was all day - I thought I was shooting Tri-X a@ 1600 but was surprised this morning to find it was TMZ @ 1600. I just developed it in Microphen: 10.5 minutes / stock / 68F / 3 inversions per minute. It's washing. Can't wait to see it. It was one of the combinations I wanted to try anyway.

Well, I have a roll in the other camera with Tri-X @ 1600 which I'm halfway through. There's at least one shot on that roll that I think is good, maybe. So I hope I didn't blow it.

Justice, Black Eye

bronx courthouse
This is from a few years ago at the "old" Bronx Courthouse. When I was there last, there were plans to turn it into an urban mall. Don't know if that happened yet or not.

When my father was a teenager, he was arrested for climbing over the fence at the Bronx Zoo (on an off day) and brought here and held for a few hours. He tells me that when he came out - he was greeted by his friends who considered him a hero - first one to be arrested in their group. He went on from this to fight in WWII and become a professor - but his eyes still light up when he tells the story of his "day in the Bronx pen."