
Epson Luster

My apt. has been has humid as a hothouse. I put a stack of the Premium Luster in the 4800 tray yesterday morning. There is an ever so light tendency to curl (away from the printing side). But so far nothing as pronounced or as uneven as what the smooth pearl was doing.

The two prints I did on it yesterday are sitting in a cabinet, and so far no curl at all. I could be wrong but the paper does seem to pick up more detail than the smooth pearl. I can't quantify it, but that's the feeling I get looking at it closely.

Couple of days later and the Luster is holding up well in humid conditions. I'm going to stick with it as my main paper.


That's easy - sell out. I'm going to try a modest experiment. I will go through my records and remove prints that have never sold - some not even in six years - and replace them with images that I think are more sellable.

Ah, don't fret - I will then create a second gallery with all the quirky prints that I enjoy that have never sold a single one and call it the Unsellable Prints That I Like. The purpose of this commercial experiment is not to deprive the reader of fascinating images, but to see whether there's any merit in my previous post about what is "wall-worthy."

As with any scientific theory the proof will be in the pudding. If sales of these less challenging pictures soar or even if people stay longer and purchase more of the usual suspects - then mission accomplished.

The reverse of the coin is that the previously unsellable pictures will continue to not sell but be warmly admired by photographers, students and a few eccentrics like myself.