
5 x 7 Prints

I used to sell notecards, and they were often matted by people and framed. The problem for me was that they weren't worth the effort or the time. Now I'm getting requests for small prints that can be matted and framed. So here's what I'm thinking - a line of 5 x 7 prints that are matted on 8 x 10. I could print two on a letter-size sheet and cut it in half and mat them on pre-cut mats.

I have a lot of these mats leftover from days of selling in front of the Met. Something like $20 a print (which is really where the market on the web is at). Same paper, same profiles etc. that I use for the larger prints.

It might be worth trying - because frankly I'm still barely scraping by here and I'm seriously contemplating a part-time job of some kind next year unless there is a dramatic improvement in that thing they call cashflow, i.e. money.

Since matting is still the time consuming aspect of this - though for small prints it isn't that bad - I wonder whether they should be matted or not. I wonder. I could put up a large selection of smaller prints in a day or two so it's in time for the holidays for sure. Hmmm... What do you think?

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On a tech. note, I'm going to need some sort of cheap RIP just to layout two prints on a page since the 4800 won't print on anything smaller than letter size paper.