
The Universe

In my quest for the spiritual center of New York city (some might call it a vortex), I went out last night on the 6 train and headed downtown not sure where I was going. I had my trusty M3 and a tripod with me. The train was crowded at 9 p.m. I tried to get a feel for where I was headed.

Maybe I'd go way downtown on a downtown train. Maybe Chinatown. I've never photographed Chinatown at night. Oh, Chinatown isnt' the center of anything. The center of the New York Universe is Times Square. Face it. Glitter. Shows. Tourists. Sales. Recruiting station. Police station. And giga-video displays. The tourist know where the center of the city is.

And so I hop off the 6 train at Grand Central. How grand it is. And then hop on the shuttle and in two shakes of a New Yorkers tail I'm in the hub, the center, the spiritual swirl of New York City.

And guess what? I'm standing in the exact center of the New York Universe, when a small video crew arrives with two models. Gawd, I think, they're making them skinny. It's cold out and I'm edging back when one of the crew says to me - "she's worth a picture or two."

So I get closer and sure enough, the tall skinny one is beautiful. The videographer is swirling around her as she walks back and forth in the hub of our universe. I take a couple of shots of her.

Who is she, I ask the guy.

She's Miss Universe - he says.

And sure enough - turns out she is the reigning Miss Universe.

Not Miss America. Not Miss New York. Miss queen of everything known to exist. Queen of the whole Universe (assuming there is only one universe, but when she flashed me a 100-megawatt smile she was brighter than all of Times Square and I knew that for one year she was in charge of things and would do her best to calm an anxious world).

And so there you have it. I have not only arrived at the center of the New York universe, but been greeted with an incarnation of same as well. Film at 11. All times are approximate.

Answer or Not

Dear Mr Becherman
i am a A level photography student and i am working in Black and white. right now i am working on a essay asking wether or not there is a place for black and white photography in the 21st century. for a part of this i have been looking for artists statements on why the use black and white instead of colour in the work. i would very much appreciate it if you could tell me why you use black and white photography? what is it that fascinates you about it? i am sorry to trouble you but im sure you can be a big help. yours sinceraly...

What do you say, answer or don't answer? I'm inclined not to since my name wasn't spelled correctly. On the other hand I don't know what "A level" means. Is that public school? Also I would have a big problem trying to honestly answer the question.


Norton, it's like I always say: 'Be kind to the people you meet on the way up... 'cause you're gonna meet the same people on the way down.'


Hi Dave
The shipment of gorgeous photos arrived and I can't wait to see them on the wall! they are absolutely great! Thanks again....might be back for more and I have already recommended your site to others.
Ciao, V.
[A whole bunch of prints including Mayor Upside Down which really did turn out well. db]