
Portrait, Unknown Woman

Portrait Unknown Woman

Tuba on 86th

Tuba on 86th, 2005

Now, the next instrument I'd like to see in the subway is the oboe.

Coin Search

Coin Search, Metropolitan Reflection Pool

Pan / Day 21

Pan, Schurz Park

Silver Rag

The Weight of the paper is 300 gsm.
* * *

Yes - Markus came by and I showed him some samples of the silver rag paper comparing them with luster and smooth pearl and we both agreed this stuff has a better "feel" to it and is damned close to a fiber print. I framed a small version of Night Storm on the Silver Rag so it would be under glass, and I know this print very well - and you would need to know what to look for in order to distinguish it from an Ilford Gallerie Fiber print. The paper is 100% cotton, has a heavy enough feel so that you aren't going to run into rippling or other effects due to humidity or lack thereof - and it has a presence which the plasticky RC type papers don't have. As I said to Markus - it makes me want to get closer and really look at the print closely.

So let's hope it hits the stores soon - and let's see what it costs. I hope to do some testing with the roll version I got yesterday to see how it goes through the printer and what the curl is like.