
The Hilton Trail

I had wondered for a long time how my images were used when they were purchased for the renovation of the Millenium Hilton Hotel (downtown NY). I searched around on the web and found these two shots taken by a guest. Of course, I had no idea it was done as a montage, but it looks like it turned out fine.


: I'll be at the Mets / Yankees game on Sat. I plan to shoot it with infrared. I haven't seen that done before, probably for a good reason, but I want to see how that field shows up. Hope its a good sunny day and that Pedro is pitching.

: I heard something about a new movie coming out which claims that Christ was married and had kids. You'd think the catholic church would be up in arms about it, but I haven't heard a peep out of them.

I can't remember the name of it though. Sounds interesting. What is it called? Michaelangelo's Road? Something like that. Haven't seen much about it in the newspapers or television. It may have been at the Canned Film Festival. Was it based on a book or something? I'm not sure. A pretty good idea for a story though. Might be a best seller someday.

I figure it must be one of those low-budget indy movies and that the producers will slowly build publicity by word-of-mouth.

Okay, just being sarcastic. I have never seen a movie get such free publicity since - actually I can't think of another movie. It's been documented on the History Channel, The National Geographic Channel, every cable news station, Oprah, The View, and now the Animal Channel is looking for a tie-in.

Well - I wish Opie good luck with it.