
The Cowboy Way

Mermaid Day Parade
The Cowboy Way

I'm cobbling together a gallery of street events (Political Protest, Mermaid Day, all sorts of parades, Halloween from last year) and came across this shot which I had forgotten about.

What Did I Tell You!

What Did I Tell You!

More Kissing

On the Corner
More Kissing

Rainy Day Cab 7

Rainy Cab
Rainy Day Cab, #1

In the cab going down to the ICP. This is the only shot that I like from that day. I've found - over and over - that I don't get decent shots when I'm with other photographers. Shooting takes your full concentration or at least a channel to some inner musings and you can't be chatting (as much as I like to) or worrying about the little social stuff that is always being worked out.

Cab drivers these days are almost all on cell-phones, or chatting with dispatchers. I don't think they know much about what is going on in the back. So - they're no different than the rest of us. I had the iPod stuck in my ears and was blasting Dylan so that I didn't have to listen to the driver talking to someone.

Dick Blick Art Materials - Online Art Supplies

Film to Digital and Back Again

I added a new article entitled, well you can see it above. I was going to entitle it My Year of Living Dangerously, but I settled for Film to Digital Capture and back.

The article is a draft and I'll probably at least spell check it, but I'm interested in what you think in terms of accuracy. Is it my experience only - or is there really some movement back to film for certain types of shooting.

I don't want to disparage digital capture - or get into the "which is better" vein which runs pretty deep. But for black and white prints - using digital capture - as we say in the south, How y'all doin'?