

All you 1600 ASA gurus - I know you're out there. I'd like a film that I can shoot at 1600. I've seen your work and you're doing great stuff. What's your favorite formula. The whole thing - temp / agitation / tap water? / time / cosmic vibrations.

I love what I'm getting with Tri-X and DD-X.

Diafine with Tri-x was a disaster.

Delta 3200 @ 1600 with DD-X - I don't know - the emulsion seems thin and grain is the usual golf-ball size.

Tri-X pushed to 800 with DD-X - not great in low-light situations but fine in bright sunlight where I don't need it.

1 comment:

hrtl media said...

I've heard good things about Tri-X @1600 in
Ilford Microphen, a fine grain 'push' developer