
Switched to Blogger

I did some design work for Mr. Priestly - and he was using blogger software for the blog so I got to learn the ins and outs of it a bit. I'm going to switch to it for various reasons. Mostly, I think the commenting is better than the Haloscan gizmo I'm using, plus a couple of other features.

This will be my 3rd blog. First one began in 1999 with Dreamweaver. Then RadioLand which was an actual blogger tool. And now to Blogger.

The old blog will still be at: THIS OLD BLOG

The new web address is: www.DaveBeckerman.com/photo_blog

I'm still futzing a bit. The left column is too wide in IE but perfect in Firefox, and there are a bunch of other stuff to add.


Anonymous said...

First comment in your 3rd blog?

Do I win a prize or something?

Looks good.

Hmm no email field for comments though?

Dave Beckerman said...

You win a grand prize to be announced at a future date to be determined by the management. Unfortunately, the management is now under federal indictment...

I think there is an email field, I just didn't set it up.

There are a couple of other things to add as well.

Anonymous said...

Are you at liberty to pass along a link to Mr. Priestly' site? Is it photography related?

Anonymous said...

Just an FYI, your RSS feed is also not working. Seems to be reporting as http://www.davebeckerman.com/photo_blog/atom.xml but that's a 404 page.

Dave Beckerman said...

Jim - will link to Mr. Priestly's site which is another photography site when he's done adding pictures. A couple of days.

John - thanks. I'll see what that's about.