
Behind the Curtain

As far as politics go - the real question is What Did The President Know and When Did He Know It? Could this really be Watergate All-Over-Again? Is it possible that a) Mr. Rove did this on his own and b) that when it came out he didn't mention it as a problem to his leader?

- Oh, by the way, Mr. President, that idiot who's been giving us so many problems with the uranium thing - don't worry about that. I have something for him.

- Yes? Good work. What is it going to be this time Karl?

- Uh. Well. You know, Mr. President - this is another one of those things you'd be better off not knowing. Just in case. I've talked it over with my lawyer and so long as I use the correct language - this should be legal.

- Forget I ever asked. What's next on the agenda?

As far as I can tell - right now - at least in local news, the latest Harry Potter book is getting more coverage. Could the wizard be revealed? The curtain pulled back? Or is there just another curtain behind the curtain?

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