
Two Sisters

I'm still experimenting with blogger... a couple of nice touches that I couldn't do with radioland: I can set the time & date of the post. This means I can organize the order of posts a little better. Couldn't do that with RadioLand.

Can allow someone else access to write something while I remain the "administrator."

I don't think - at least at first glance - much of the ability to upload photos with their photo upload widget as I don't like the resizing - and the fact that if you click on it you get the original in a window - doesn't seem that great to me.

It allows you to save drafts so in essence you can save an image-based template as a draft and just use that when you want via copy and paste to put up new images.

Of course it's nice that you can do your posts while you're on the road - if I ever do get on the road. There might have been a way to do that with Radioland, I'm not sure.

And since they're now owned by Google - well - I expect more innovations.

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