
Bloomberg Bldg.

The Bloomberg Building - I didn't know what it was when I first walked by it - is a tremendous sweep of glass and steel which almost whips around a wide space like a wave. I walked into the curl and was about to point el camera up when two guards approached waving their hands at me from about fifty yards away.

I put the camera back down and waited for them.

I know - no pictures, I was thinking to myself. But I wanted to hear them say it. So I just stood there like a confused tourist.

"No pictures! No pictures!" Both of them shouted.

Now they were near me.

"Beautiful building," I replied. "When was it built?"

And they told me it was finished in 2004. While I was chatting with them two other guards appeared - off to my left. These were higher level guys, with those wires going into their ears, and although it was night - they were wearing dark glasses and talking into their hands.

"Well, thank you very much for your time..." And I began to walk away past the two secret service looking guys. One of them had what looked like a PDA and was writing in it.

Oh well, would have made a nice picture. I'm sure I could go on the web and find one just as good as anything I was going to take.

1 comment:

Dave Beckerman said...

I was nervous about having my film confiscated (destroyed). I have some good shots on the beginning of the roll.

Walked across the street and took a shot of the building just for spite - but it's not the shot I wanted.

Besides - I don't have my new "fancy" cards yet. I'll bet they would have been impressed.