
Cleaning Sewer

dave beckerman photography
The M3 / 40mm Nokton. The M3 appears to be in perfect working condition. And you know what - fun to use. I took a couple of readings with a pocket light meter before I started and then never looked at it again.

* * *

You know, in these days of ultra-suspicion - the virtually silent camera might make a dramatic comeback. And yes, believe it or not - a passerby asked why I was taking pictures of the sewer. So maybe the ultra-silence can't win against the ultra-suspicion. In the olden days, I was often asked why I was taking a certain picture - even of sewer covers - but the questioning was just curious and well-meaning. Now there is almost always an edge to the inquisition.

So given my prediction that this current war will last at least a hundred years - might as well get used to it. Unless you want to go out to the hinterland (hi Bill) and photograph cows. What is it like photographing outside the city anyway?

How does the scenic photographer get into trouble.

Hey, that's a pretty big rig you've got there. What are you doing taking that picture of Mt. Rainier? Did you know that was government property?

Now that I think about it - everything is someone's property. I think even the moon has been claimed.

Maybe there's some utopia where everything belongs to everybody. Instead of one store owner coming out to stop you - a mob of owners approach... Hey - wait a second, I yell. Part of that storefront belongs to me - me the people.

But then they'd want to see my party card - and since I was just a lowly artist (with a bad record) someone authority would step from the mob.

Next thing you know - off to the photographic gulag to be taught some useful job, like sweeping gutters.

No - I guess I'll stick with this system for now.


Dave Beckerman said...

I don't know anything about the Dual IV but I bet Barrett does. He recommended the 5400 - and he knows his stuff. I'm a piker (is that Yiddish?) - when it comes to scanners.

Dave Beckerman said...


It's not that bad. If you follow these rules, you should be fine:

Don't use a tripod in a city park.

Avoid framing any pictures that include:
Famous Buildings
Non-Famous Buildings
Famous People
Non-Famous People
The Sky
The Ground

But seriously - the nature of the blog / journal tends to accent things that annoy me. I'm sure you'd both have a good time without incident, well reasonably sure.

It's probably like me thinking that if I went up to Alaska, I'd be eaten by a brown bear. Actually - wasn't there just a film about two people being eaten by a bear(s)? My father was saying he'd like to see that film.