
More Equipment Notes

Ordered a few items from CameraQuest.com

- Lens hood for the 40 f1.4 (B&H didn't have any
- Soft shutter release (I had read about this little gizmo a while back) but it wasn't until I tried it on Matt's camera that I saw the potential
- RapidWinder ($150) - comes with a built-in grip as well which I'm sorely missing (mechanical)

I've been matting and packaging most of the day so I haven't had time to do any more shooting but will tonight. (I'm going to shoot with Tmax at 800 and do some more testing).

(Other notes:) got some banding with the 4800 for first time. One cleaning. Problem gone.

AG finished the text for The 11th Man. Now the ball is in my court. I turned down two jobs because I'm trying to stay focused with what I want to finish by end of summer:

1) Get the damned book put together
2) Offer some of Matt's prints from my site
3) Raise print prices
4) Add another ten prints to the site

Of less importance - take some good photographs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You wanna talk about goals? Here's mine:

- Survive my move (end of August)

- Create Web presence (riiiiight!)

- Buy Epson 4800 (well, I'll have to buy something after all the other printers are gotten rid of...as good an excuse as any)