
Silver Rag

The Weight of the paper is 300 gsm.
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Yes - Markus came by and I showed him some samples of the silver rag paper comparing them with luster and smooth pearl and we both agreed this stuff has a better "feel" to it and is damned close to a fiber print. I framed a small version of Night Storm on the Silver Rag so it would be under glass, and I know this print very well - and you would need to know what to look for in order to distinguish it from an Ilford Gallerie Fiber print. The paper is 100% cotton, has a heavy enough feel so that you aren't going to run into rippling or other effects due to humidity or lack thereof - and it has a presence which the plasticky RC type papers don't have. As I said to Markus - it makes me want to get closer and really look at the print closely.

So let's hope it hits the stores soon - and let's see what it costs. I hope to do some testing with the roll version I got yesterday to see how it goes through the printer and what the curl is like.

1 comment:

Dave Beckerman said...

Craig: Gallerie Pearl, Luster, Semi-Gloss etc. are thin, RC types of papers with a coating that gives it a plastic feeling, i.e. similar to darkroom RC papers.

Silver Rag has the thickness of a thick rag paper like Photorag, but the surface is similar to a darkroom fiber surface.

It is not as white as it doesn't have whiteners added as the semi-gloss papers do.

It does not look like a mat paper.

It is not possible to *compare* any of these papers / printers / without having a display side by side, matted and under glass.

There are people who just love a nice matte paper and say, this is great! There are others who look at the same print and say, it ain't great. It is not something that can be quantified.