

I've been going through the Winogrand, Figments from the Real World book (yes finally Matt). He comes across as a sort of Kerouac beat photographer - rough around the edges and clicking at a thousand frames a minute. Sort of like automatic typing. And I can understand the flash that such energy imparts into the world. At the same time - I have to admit that neither Kerouac nor Winogrand are my cup of tea.

What? Heresy? It's true. I could never finish On The Road. And looking through the Figments from the Real World makes me want to go find a good HCB book to flip through. And what's even worse is Winogrand was from my old neighborhood - well close enough to call it my old neighborhood.

I know how it happens. The early shots - full of energy - tone - the things that excite you when you first start - get warped over by theory. Or maybe we all just run out of steam at some point.

Throw out the old - in with the new - throw out the technique - replace with something different. Stream of consciousness.

And - to make matters more inexplicable - the shots that I found myself staring at the most were the Rodeo shots; the Texas shots; the application of a New York sensibility to a foreign landscape. Those shots I liked a lot.

I'll just consider this part one for now - and don't know if there will be a part two - but if there is - who knows - my reaction may be completely different.

1 comment:

Matt Weber said...

Yes, my initial reaction to "Figments" was similar, but I've owned the book since '88 and have had time to warm up to it.
Friedlanders photos are usually much better in terms of composition and have "secrets" in them, but Garry's got energy that's raw and undeniable and he was in your face decades before it was in fashion...