
Answer or Not

Dear Mr Becherman
i am a A level photography student and i am working in Black and white. right now i am working on a essay asking wether or not there is a place for black and white photography in the 21st century. for a part of this i have been looking for artists statements on why the use black and white instead of colour in the work. i would very much appreciate it if you could tell me why you use black and white photography? what is it that fascinates you about it? i am sorry to trouble you but im sure you can be a big help. yours sinceraly...

What do you say, answer or don't answer? I'm inclined not to since my name wasn't spelled correctly. On the other hand I don't know what "A level" means. Is that public school? Also I would have a big problem trying to honestly answer the question.


Tom said...

I'm not sure what an A level photographer is either. I would just answer him honestly! I know I do it because I love the look and feel of black and white!

Dave Beckerman said...

thanks Tom. that's what i did. But the real question is *why* do you like the look and feel of b&w. Is it possible to explain the *why* of it?

Dave Beckerman said...

Oh, and my answer was returned as undeliverable. So maybe the universe does make some sort of sense.

Paul Anthony Lomax said...

People Don't Wear Enough Hats!

This is so funny!
Too funny, I'm giggling at an obscene hour!

I hope the new hat fitted ok?!
Pegs! Need some pegs!
Bloody donkey owners - all the same!

Bwian that is called called Bwian!

Dave Beckerman said...

Paul - the new hat fitted perfectly (Paul got me a new shelf for a cabinet. I'm always getting new shelves).

Heath. Well said. Not to mention that I even wrote a page called, Why Black and White where I tried to answer the question. Frankly, I've come to the conclusion: if you don't know, I can't tell you.

Snippy - but that's the truth.