
Fine Art B&W Printing

"Last time I checked my bankroll,
It was pretty thin,
Sometimes it seems like the bottom,
Is the only place I been." - John Prine

I'm beginning to wonder whether I shouldn't branch out at this point and take on clients that I would do personalized b&w inkjet printing for. You give me the negative or the digital capture, I'll do the photoshopping as necessary - or you do it - and output with the 4800 on paper of your choice (more or less).

How do you figure out how much to charge? I'll try and work that out.


Anonymous said...

I think it is a good idea, but printing by itself can may be low margin business.
There are other labs that do chemical prints in B/W.
Retouching is another story since you bring your skills to the table.
You can either do hourly rate or charge by magapixel since larger images usually require more work.
I would also suggest limiting paper selection to the ones you familiar with.

hrtl media said...

material x2 plus charge for the time
is usually a good rule of thumb