
Search for What

My health is beginning to return. I put together an order for someone today but couldn't exactly stand on line at Post Office, so I'll do that tomorrow.

Now - the search mechanism is just about there. If you play with it for a while, you'll be able to dig up amazing things. As an example, type in "Jesus" and see where it leads you.

I've set it up so that you can search individual parts of the site, or the entire site. The "Articles" section isn't exactly right because it also includes all my old old journal entries from the very beginning - but that makes it fun. I can sort that out later.

Or type in evanescent and see where it leads you.


Dave Beckerman said...

Yeah - good catch. I see the search is not yet working correctly for the blog which is the only place that shot exists, and there is like no description in the blog for it.


I'm going to work on that and do some more testing. Appreciate any feedback on the search mechanism. The search is as much for me as anyone else. I want to be able to go through the site and find what I'm looking for.

Dave Beckerman said...

It should find comments as well. It works very well so far if you search The Store, but I'm screwing something up with the blog. Will fix it. The engine itself from zoom whatever is excellent. But there are a lot of parameters that need to be setup correctly.

Dave Beckerman said...

It wasn't crawling through parts of the blog that were linked through javascript. I think it is crawling entire blog now.