
Camera Info

I added which camera was in the Prints for Sale section. I can't discern any pattern. I seem to like different cameras at different times - but the amount of sellable prints (that just means that I liked them and thought others would too) - per hour used doesn't change much. I might have shot more with the 20D but you are only allowed (you'll need to talk with the creative fates here) - you are only alowed a definite number of good shots per year. That number is about the same no matter which camera I use. However - and this is a big however - the number might actually be less if I didn't switch cameras - as very often the swap gets me out shooting again. It's the change that is useful - but it has nothing to do with what I'm changing for. And - as things would have it - to confirm this theory - many times I've gone back to the same camera I traded in - and enjoyed it for the same amount of time again before my eye began to wander.

The only caveat in the camera usage statistics is that I didn't differentiate between digital cameras. If it says 20D, it could have been the: 20D, the Rebel, or one of the powershots.

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