
Photography Lessons

I continue to get requests to do some lessons. So thinking out loud - here's what I've come up with:



MINIMUM 4 LESSONS. during the course of a month.

The reason for the 4 lesson minimum is - let's only take serious people. You can't expect to get what you need in an hour-and-a-half and there's going to be some sort of assignment for each session so you can do things on your own. I can if you like combine two lessons into a 3-hour lesson.

First half hour is an evaluation (let's try and figure out what you need).

The concentration is black and white output, but there are so many possible areas: digital capture, film development, inkjet printing techniques, photoshop techniques (uh, that is vague but geared towards the b&w print), useful photoshop plug-ins for b&w, street shooting, urban landscape (composition - bring a tripod), rangefinder shooting technique - in other words, anything that I know something about is fair game.

I'm guessing that every person is going to arrive with different goals and different expertise so I would like, as much as possible to tailor it to the individual.

Note: All of this in my state-of-the-art, fully equiped, smoke-free studio (studio can fit two comfortably). Have I left anything out? Let me know.


Anonymous said...

This is something I would certainly be interested in and at $400 would be great value for money. One thing I would consider Dave is that at such a reasonable price point, would you be able to cope if you were inundated!?

I'm hoping to visit New York this summer so if you do go ahead with it Dave, I would certainly like to give it a try!

Having a tailored approach to an individuals needs makes the price unbeatable in my opinion. 5 day workshops here in the UK would probably set you back around £500-£600 ($850-$1050) and that would not get you a tailored structure. Personally digital capture, composition and printing techniques would be high on my list.

Nice one Dave, expect some cutsomers!

Dave Beckerman said...

Allan - I tried to formalize this a little because I have two customers already without even offering the lessons publicly. I know, the workshops are very expensive - and from their point of view lucrative since they're taking on a bunch of people at the same time. Personally, I never much liked the workshop idea. It's sort of like giving guitar lessons to 20 people at the same time. I guess it could be done, but when I took guitar lessons I went to someone's house and went through it one on one.