
Scott McClellan

Looking for suggestions to replace the white house spokesperson. I'll open the bidding with: Tom Cruise because I would watch him knock out the press corp. I think the whole white house press conference thing could learn a thing or two from the Worldwise Wrestling Federation.

Both are phony, and both require great skill.

I would have Tom Cruise hooked up to a video screen showing his blood pressure. If it gets too high, he has the right to let off some steam on an ancient reporter.


Dave Beckerman said...

Victor Zambrano.

Brilliant. And give him a whiffle ball so he can play catch with the press corp.

Actually, with Victor Z. don't worry - he's going to come around. It won't be in this league though but in the senior citizens league.

SteveR said...


Why is this press secretary different from all other press secretaries?

He isn't. I've had my car radio pretty much permanently set to C-SPAN for the past 10 years, and during that time, usually drive home just about when the daily White House press briefing comes on the air.

Scott McClellan sounds pretty much just like his three predecessors. I had to go to Wikipedia to remember who the last 2 guys in the Clinton administration were (Mike McCurry and Joe Lockhart.) Also, the press corp asks the same dumb "when did you stop beating your wife"-style quesions, regardless of who is in the White House.

If you played me random 2-minute sound clips of any WH press secretary's daily briefing since 1993, I couldn't tell who was who (except for Dee Dee Meyers, obviously)